Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How well do you know anyone?

Do you really know your co-worker? They are someone that you see more than your own families. You eat breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner together. Sometimes they are the only one that you can share your work frustrations with them because they are the only ones that fully understand your pain.
You know, just when you thought you know your co-worker, "bam" it knock you on the ground that they are not what you think they are. Just because they have some kind of power, they use it to the extreme. They would back-stabbed you and pretend to be someone that they are not.
So, just when you know you couldn't depend on your co-worker and think that you can at least trust your friends that you had known for many years or sometimes majority of your life. What if you find out those people can't be trusted either because they are not what you think anymore.
At a time like this, I am lost for words and would start to see those peoples very differently each time when I talk to them. I wonder why all of a sudden every people that I met are not someone that I can trust anymore.
The only people that I can trust for sure is God. God, I ask for your help to help me find the right people that I can trust.

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