Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week Long Birthday Celebration

For my 34th Birthday this year, it was especially good despite what an abnormal year that I had year. At work, my co-worker decorate my cube crazy with streamers and hole punches paper all over my desk. Janet took me out for my breakfast and lunch. I even got a present of the Kung Fu Panda's movie and sequel.

This year, on my Birthday (9th), I went out to dinner with one of my friend and we had a good time of fellowship and just catching up. Still don't know what happen or what I ate that night, that cause me to have Food Poisoning. I was very sick. I was worry that I wasn't able to enjoy the rest of my Birthday Weekend. I had previously set up dinner plans for the weekend and following weeks with my friends.

On Saturday, my cousin, Winnie, from Hawaii was still in town from her visiting since Christmas. Therefore, Winnie, Katty, Thinh, and my sister took me to Koto for dinner and then to Ruggles Bakery for dessert. Afterward, we went to see a movie. I enjoy the time spent together, since all of my cousins are usually spread far apart in different area. I really enjoy the time together.

On Sunday, Phyllis, Dicson, Daniel, Ceci & Raymond took me to Pappadeux for dinner. Unfortunately, that night, I forgot to bring my Camera, so I didn't take any pictures at all.

On Monday, I went to dinner with Jasmine & Eunice to celebrate Eunice's birthday also along with mine. It's been a long time since we had a good dinner together. Had a good time to catch up.

On Tuesday, my parents took me out to dinner to celebrate my birthday.

Finally, this past Thursday, I finally got to went out with Janet and Melanie (my co-worker back in the days of BNY). We went to Cheesecake Factory. It was especially nice and sweet of a get together. Since Janet was leaving soon to Toronto for Traning for 3 months over there. Melanie works at a different place, so we don't get together often enough to catch up.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some of you might know that a lot of things had happen to my family and my usual surroundings in the last 7 months. During those months, I had contemplated of going to different churches and making a lot of changes in my life. I finally decided during the months after I came back from my family vacation that I would try to go to different church at the beginning of the year. Since I haven't really told anyone of totally leaving SWCBC. I decide to start going to another church when it's a combine worship.

This Sunday was the 1st Sunday that I'm able to do that. So, I went to FBCC with Janet. I was a bit nervous because I didn't know what to expect. When I got there this morning, I wasn't as nervous maybe it's because I had someone that I know sitting next to me, or keeping me company. I think that I'll try to continue to go back to FBCC for the next several weeks. They will have their combine service with the Youths.

After worship, Janet would introduce me to her friends and saw some of the people that I used to see when I was attending their Woman's Bible Study. It was nice to see them again, along with others. Since she was leaving for Toronto in 2 weeks,a lot of people at church would stop her and talk to her.

When we were eating lunch, Janet made a comment that "I don't think that you'll ever stop going to your church". I guess that I was just somehow surprise that she had made that comment. Was it true? Why does she think so? Why am I so afraid to make any kind of changes to my life right now. Am I truly happy at where my life is at now? Maybe Janet is right? I don't even know what I want? I'm just so used to my routine right now. I believe that everything happen for a reason. There has to be a reason why everything happen and now, I'm able to make whatever decisions that I want as far as picking which church to go to. Before, I had to go where my dad was the pastoring. Now, that he's no longer the pastor of that church, I can go freely wherever, but yet I find it very hard. Maybe it's because I've been so routine to the same church for the past 20+ years, all of a sudden, I have the opportunity to go, and I don't know how because I've accustomed to the few friends that I had.

Dear God, I ask that you'll give me guidance as what I should do with picking which church to go to? I'm really lost and confuse on what I want to do. I ask for your help.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How well do you know anyone?

Do you really know your co-worker? They are someone that you see more than your own families. You eat breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner together. Sometimes they are the only one that you can share your work frustrations with them because they are the only ones that fully understand your pain.
You know, just when you thought you know your co-worker, "bam" it knock you on the ground that they are not what you think they are. Just because they have some kind of power, they use it to the extreme. They would back-stabbed you and pretend to be someone that they are not.
So, just when you know you couldn't depend on your co-worker and think that you can at least trust your friends that you had known for many years or sometimes majority of your life. What if you find out those people can't be trusted either because they are not what you think anymore.
At a time like this, I am lost for words and would start to see those peoples very differently each time when I talk to them. I wonder why all of a sudden every people that I met are not someone that I can trust anymore.
The only people that I can trust for sure is God. God, I ask for your help to help me find the right people that I can trust.