Monday, December 3, 2007

sore...physical tree....

I finally went back to the working out again after being stop for almost a month because of fiscal year end and Thanksgiving Holiday. It's sad to ay that my knee is very weak after 35 mins of kickboxing class. I need to continue to go back to working out.

I finally went for a physical check up last week, after not having gone for several years. It was time over due, but also mainly because i had a scare for myself, which at this point, i still don't know what cause the problem. The day before Thanksgiving, my dad had a really blood pressure, gave all of us at home a scare. Then i realize that i was having chest pain, and got scare. So, i got a full blood work, along with echo & abdominal ultrasound. The results are not back yet, but for the most part, everything is ok. Still waiting to get a stress test done.

Mom bought and decorate our xmas tree last week, and now all we're missing is christmas presents underneath the tree.

I'll post some pictures later...

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